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What’s Happening Now

Champs is back!!!!

The world was disrupted by the rise of COVID-19. This pandemic changed things significantly, and like everything else, the sport industry took a hefty blow globally.

Jamaica like many countries, is a powerhouse in sports, especially track and field, and of course it suffers from the common lockdown affecting most countries. Many events on the sports calendar were postponed or cancelled in 2020, and the beginning of 2021 was steering in the same direction. The popular and prestigious Boys and Girls Champs event where high school athletes in Jamaica get an opportunity to showcase their talent is back.

Arguably, the biggest sport spectacle in Jamaica, it is scheduled for May 11-15, 2021 at the National Stadium in Kingston.

Latest from the Blog

Featured Athlete: Kevroy Venson (PHOTO: Marlon Reid)

Who is Kevroy Venson? Affectionately called Venson by the Jamaican track and field community, he is a middle and long distance track and field athlete from Kingston, Jamaica. The lean athletic body junior athlete attends the Calabar High School in Kingston/St Andrew, and is one of the stand-out in high school competition. His attitude for…

Some Sports News for 2020

Like many industries that were affected by the unforeseen pandemic in 2020, it was just as difficult for the sport industry. The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, is still very much here and is still very much affecting the global environment of sports. It is no secret that fans were unable to participate by supporting their teams…

CYCLE Divas – Members profile

We are now at December 2020, ’tis’ the week before Christmas, and the Cycle Divas are large and in charge. The festive season and the chills from the approaching winter is in no way putting a dent in our spokes, because the ride must go on. Today’s blog will give you a sneak peek behind…

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