The disruption of COVID-19

After more than six (6) months of lock-down worldwide, the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is still very much here and is still very much affecting the global environment of sports by spreading itself throughout the world. As sports administrators, organizations, participants and fans, we are unable to participate, support and consume this entertaining product the way we use to.

Many, if not all industries are affected by this unforeseen pandemic, and the sport industry which is one of the largest industries in the world, is no different.

The Sports Industry at every level came to a standstill resulted in many sporting facilities being ordered closed and events cancelled or postponed. The National Football League (NFL), National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), National Basketball Association (NBA), International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) and the European Football League (Soccer) are some of the powerhouses that were affected. While the world of sports and it’s fans were planning for the prestigious summer games, Tokyo-2020, many hearts were left broken by the inevitable announcement that one of the largest sporting spectacle, the Olympics, organized by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), would be postponed until 2021.

Some main affected areas

1) Revenue: The industry that is known to generated billions of dollars yearly, like many other industries, have been severely hit and as a result, profit and non-profit organizations, athletes and other stakeholders are not able to earn. Gate receipts, parking, concessionary and the sale of merchandise that generates a hefty percentage of the revenue for the industry, has scaled down significantly on events after months of lock-down. During the re-opening phase which started during the summer, some sporting events are being held excluding spectators as the sports community hope for a better season in 2021.

2) Competition: With the many events being postponed and cancelled, coaches and athletes associated with institutions including colleges, universities, schools, clubs, recreation and professional leagues among others, are not able to show off their craft to entertain sports fans.

3) Sponsorship: A reduction in this area is not a surprise and was inevitable because organizations are not earning at the level they normally would.

4) Training: Coaches and athletes were forced to modify and significantly scaled down their workout sessions to adhere to social distancing protocol to protect each other and stay safe.

5) Jobs: Many people including administrators/managers, coaches, educators among other professions are put on hold because of the shutdown of facilities, institutions, event, organizations, etc.

6) Intramural Sports: Most people are not able to participate in leisure sports as often as before because of the closure of public and private facilities. This branch of sports is considered important because it serves as a health benefit for many people.

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