Charity Organization: Marketing Mix Strategies

A strategic marketing plan is very important to the success of an organization, and the The long-term goal of HP Rookie Creation is to serve through this effort and attract as many investors or contributors as the organization grows. The effective tool to facilitate this venture is a rigorous and efficient marketing mix strategies with four vitals components including;

(1) Product: This aspect of the mix focused on the target market’s needs, and will include sport product mainly as tangible sport goods in the form of exercise or training equipment and sports apparel in all forms. The goods will focused on brand, quality and design supplied by top credible sport manufacturing company that have been catering to sport entities such as athletes, leagues, clubs, gyms, schools at all levels, recreation centers, etc. for decades.

(2) Promotion: concentrates on how to interact with the target market on how to position the product in their minds through various canal. This strategy will explore four elements of the promotional mix that are economical to match a non-profit organization budget without or limited start-up funding.

(a) Advertising, through the internet, which is cheaper than television, radio, and newspaper than can be very costly. The internet utilizing social media such as facebook, twitter, instagram and whatsapp groups allows sport marketers to create customized content to appeal to the senses of the target market.

(b) Personal selling/sales promo, through face-to-face interaction to facilitate relationship building between the target market and the organization.

(c) Public/community relations, to understand the target market while building its image.

(d) Sponsorship, as the main investor or contributor, is the component that will determine if the organization is a go or not. The contributor with HP Rookie Creation partner to support the organization overall objectives and the benefits it provides to both the sport organization and the sponsor.

(3) Place, includes the environment of schools community such as primary (middle school) schools and high School along with sports club or center.

(4) Price, which the statement of value on a product will be minimal or not applicable to the target market, as this sport product is a charitable organization.

This charitable organization which target sport programs of the underprivileged focusing on the youth as a long-term venture will foster development through well-deserved sports products. The organization will partner with credible and well-established sport organization with a mutual benefit partnership of exchange of sports products for association, which will in return market their sport product in the wider community to increase sales.

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