Charity Organization: Background

Mission Statement: Join cultures together through sports to empower youths to create a balanced community.

The main purpose of this Charitable Organization is to contribute to the development of youths with an interest in sports who are unable to access resources such as sport product to facilitate their advancement. The organization through it’s mission is persistent to give back to underprivileged sport programs in schools and sport clubs to develop youths from low social status communities between age 6-25, as the target market. This partnership with other organizations as the main contributors or sponsors will supply in monetary and sport goods such as but not limited to training or exercise equipment and athletic assorted apparel.

The core focus of the organization is to assist in the designing of policies and procedures to facilitate the setup and how to maintain the program through sport management. This operation procedure documentation will involve general administration, marketing, budgeting, public relations, research tips, best practices among others.

The organization as the sponsor and main contributor, will benefit from this partnership as they will be able to create awareness, build relationships and increase sales by promoting their sport product in the wider community. This effort will establish new markets without competition as research revealed that this entity is the only one of its kind in the target market and the wider community.

Staffing for the organization will be filled by various positions with profile of special required skills. The main ingredient for these positions will include sports enthusiast and passionate about serving people by offering superior service at a high level.

SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Treats)

Identifying the internal and external contingencies is a very important component when implementing a marketing plan.

Internal contingencies

(1) Strengths:

a) Excellent people skills and a passion for sport to serve

b) No competition as there is no entity of this king in the target market and the wider community

(2) Weaknesses:

a) The possibility of demand being greater than supply

b) No start-up funding       

External contingencies

(3) Opportunities:

a) Develop stifled talents

b) Target Market growth

c) Creating future stars to represent their country

d) Reducing poverty within lower social class

(4) Threats:

a) Government intervention with the aim take over the entity

b) The rise of other charitable organization with competing sponsors

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