Sports and COVID-19

Will the way we consume sports ever be normal again?

Sports is no longer just about watching people running around on a track or surface, or riding a bike, or swimming, it is a whole lot more than that. Sports is business, it is a career/profession, it is a lifestyle for many around the world, whether professional or simply to stay fit and healthy. The combination of the facility, food, energy, merchandise, camaraderie among fans, the win or loss of our team/athlete, is what sports consumers look forward to and pay money to experience season after season.

Like all other industries, sports is having its fair share of unfavorable impact leaving participants and spectators hungry and wanting to get back in the game. The following links are just to inform and educate sports consumers on how COVID-19 is affecting the world of sports, according to many writers. Have a read!

1) Stadiums all across the world have remained empty

2) Physical activity and well-being and its effects on social development

3) How will the coronavirus change sports?

4) Sports and exercise

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