Cycle Divas Club

This prestigious group made up of mostly women, is the initiative or brainchild of Nicholle Morris who started out riding her bike all by herself for casual exercise to maintain her fitness for a healthy and youthful lifestyle.

After more than a year of riding alone, she started sharing the benefits of riding with her female friends of similar age group, who in no time gravitated to the idea of firm and strong legs, tone skin, agility, among other encouraging results.

The COVID-19 effect and the birth of ‘social distancing’

Confined to the home and small groups of gathering during the COVID-19 pandemic, riding one’s bike alone or with close friends and family seems like the natural thing to do to stay safe and COVID free. In no time the group started growing one by one by one at the latter stages of summer 2020, September to be precise. By the end of September, things were changing as,

(1) The riding group was up to three members

(2) Bikes were being tuned up with lights and other adornment

(3) Riding gear were being researched and purchased in a variety of colours and style

(4) Nutrition was being sorted to facilitate the right diet

(5) Home workout gym with equipment setup to facilitate intense physical strengthening.

The fast evolving of the group, I hinted the thought of a name to add a sense of belong to influence physical activities and empowerment during this difficult time as the world tries to cope with the virus. Of course, without procrastinating, Nicholle was forthcoming once more as she creatively crafted a name and Whatsapp group to formalize the group, and of course, ‘Cycle Divas’ was born and is affiliated with HP Sports Corner.

Just within the first week of December, and the riding group is up to six (6) members filled with non-stop energy and enthusiasm for the sport. Weekly activities are divided into two key sections or categories to create a balanced and diverse environment that is appealing to it’s members.

(1) Exercise workout program: is seen as maybe the core element to enhance the physical strength of it’s members. This important workout session involves intense activities for one hour and thirty minutes to two hours, concentration on endurance, strength, balance, and flexibility that will enable us to ride for a long period of time.

The video below will demonstrate what the endurance workout entails.

Workout session prior to riding

(2) Riding session: Is the real fun where riding skills are on display, and of course the testing of our physical abilities that are taught in the workout sessions prior to riding. The inclusion of endurance, strength, balance, and flexibility workout is the key to riding for hours and be able to cover alot of miles within a reasonable time.

Images below will show a steady progression of miles covered in different riding sessions by the group.

The group ride at least two times for the week

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