Management Theory

My management philosophy, and how it aligns with my career! A manager’s core job is to achieve an organization goals by utilizing its resources effectively through planning, organizing, leading and evaluating, by selecting the right people for the job, according to Aicher, Paule-Koba & Newland (2016). While management functions are academic disciplines taught in sportContinue reading “Management Theory”

Management Functions

According to the book, “carrots and sticks don’t work: build a culture of employee engagement with the principles of RESPECT” (Maciano, 2010), “carrots and sticks” is in relation to reward and punishment to motivate others, even in today’s work place. This system according to the author is based on the principles of operant conditioning whichContinue reading “Management Functions”

Engage and Motivate workers!

According to Maciano (2010), in organizations over many decades, the “carrot” is the reward or incentive to motivate employees to strive towards a goal, for example, meeting a sales target within a specified time will award them 1% in bonus. The model “build a culture of employee engagement with the principles of RESPECT” is designedContinue reading “Engage and Motivate workers!”